BioControl, the official journal of the International Organization for Biological Control, presents original papers on basic and applied research in all aspects of biological control of invertebrate, vertebrate and weed pests, and plant diseases. Coverage includes biology and ecology of organisms for biological control, and aspects of use including biological controls for integrated pest management, such as plant resistance, pheromones and intercropping. Papers presenting only laboratory trials on non-target effects of pesticides on natural enemies are not considered but papers dealing with the corresponding effects on community dynamics of natural enemies are welcomed.
Organisms covered include parasitoids, invertebrate and vertebrate predators of pest animals and plants, mites, plant and insect pathogens, nematodes, and weeds.
The journal publishes interdisciplinary papers with a global perspective on the use of biological control in integrated pest management systems, and related developments in molecular biology and biotechnology that have direct relevance.
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