Its scope covers all aspects of basic and applied research dealing with insects and more broadly with arthropods inhabiting wild, agricultural and/or urban habitats. The journal also considers research integrating various disciplines and issues within the broad field of entomology and ecology.
Entomologia Generalis publishes high quality research articles on advances in knowledge on the ecology and biology of arthropods, as well as on their importance for key ecosystems services, e.g. as biological control and pollination. The journal devotes special attention to contributions providing significant advances (i) on the fundamental knowledge and on sustainable control strategies of arthropod pests (including of stored products) and vectors of diseases, (ii) on the biology and ecology of beneficial arthropods, (iii) on the spread and impact of invasive pests, and (iv) on potential side effects of pest management methods.
Entomologia Generalis welcomes review articles on significant developments in the field of entomology. These are usually invited by the editorial board, but proposals may be sent to the Editor-in-Chief for preliminary assessment by the editorial board before formal submission to the journal. The journal also considers comments on papers published in Entomologia Generalis, as well as short notes on topics that are of broader interest.
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