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C字母开始期刊EndNote styles

C字母开始期刊的endnote styles(注:按照期刊首字母顺序浏览下载对应期刊的参考文献endnote样式

CA Cancer J Clin Cahiers Agricultures
Calcified Tissue Int California Agriculture
Calphad Cambridge Archaeological J
Cambridge J Economics Cambridge J Education
Cambridge J Regions Econ Soc Cambridge Law Journal
Cambridge Opera Journal Cambridge Q Health Ethics
Cambridge Quarterly Can Biol Ther
Can Biosystems Engineer Can Entomologist
Can Geotech J Can J African Studies
Can J Agric Econ Can J Anesthesia
Can J Animal Sci Can J Chem Eng
Can J Chemistry Can J Civil Engineering
Can J Devel Stud Can J Earth Sciences
Can J Economics Can J Fish Aquatic Science
Can J Forest Research Can J Microbiol
Can J Neurological Sci Can J Pain
Can J Philosophy Can J Physics
Can J Physiol Pharmacol Can J Plant Sci
Can J School Psych Can J Soil Sci
Can J Vet Research Can J Zoology
Can Veterinary Journal Can Water Res J
Canadian J Cardiology Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly
Cancer ACS Cancer Biology and Medicine
Cancer Biomarkers Cancer Biother Radiopharma
Cancer Causes Control Cancer Cell International
Cancer Cell Cancer Chemo Pharma
Cancer Discovery Cancer Epidem Biomark Prevent
Cancer Epidemiology Cancer Epigenetics J
Cancer Epigenetics Cancer Gene Therapy
Cancer Genetics Cancer Genom Proteom
Cancer Hallmarks Cancer Immunol Immunother
Cancer Immunol Res Cancer Letters
Cancer Metastasis Rev Cancer Nursing
Cancer Prevention Research Cancer Research
Cancer Science Cancer Therapy
Cancer Treat Reviews Cancer Treatment Comm
Capitalism Nature Socialism Carbohydrate Polymers
Carbohydrate Research Carbon
Carcinogenesis Cardiff University Architecture MHRA
Cardiff University Harvard Cardiff University SONMS Harvard
Cardiology in the Young Cardiology
Cardiometry Cardiorenal Med
CardioVasc Intervent Radiol Cardiovasc Ther
Cardiovascular Diab Cardiovascular Drug Rev
Cardiovascular Endocrinology Cardiovascular Pathology
Cardiovascular Research Cardiovascular Toxicology
Cardiovascular Ultrasound Career Dev Except Individ
Caries Research Caring for the Ages
Cartographic J Cartography Geographic Info Sci
Case Rep Dermatol Case Rep Nephrol Dial
Case Rep Neurol Case Rep Oncol
Case Reports Gastroent Case Reports in Women's Health
Case Reports Ophthalmol Case Studies in Construction Materials
Case Studies in Fire Safety Case Studies in Structural Engineering
Case Studies Mechan Sys Signal Proc Cases Journal
Catal Lett Catalysis Communications
Catalysis Express Catalysis Sci Tech
Catalysis Structure Reactivity Catalysis Today
Catena Catheterization Cardio
CCTCVM Cell Adhesion Migration
Cell Biochem Funct Cell Biology Intl
Cell Calcium Cell Comm and Signaling
Cell Cycle Cell Death Diff
Cell Death Disease Cell Host Microbe
Cell Metabolism Cell Preserv Tech
Cell Proliferation Cell Research
Cell Tissue Res Cell Transplantation
Cells Tissues Organs Cellular Immunology
Cellular Logistics Cellular Microbiology
Cellular Molec Biology Cellular Molec Gastroent Hepatol
Cellular Molec Neurobiol Cellular Oncology
Cellular Phys Biochem Cellular Reprogramming
Cellular Signalling Cement Concrete Composites
Cement Concrete Research Centaurus
Central Asian Survey Ceramics International
Ceramics-Silikaty Cereal Chemistry
Cereal Science Cerebellum
Cerebral Cortex Cerebrovascular Diseases
CESifo Econ Studies Changing English
Channels Chaos Solitons Fractals
Chem Biology Drug Design Chem Eng Tech
Chem Engineer J Chem Engineer Process
Chem Engineer Research Design Chem Engineer Science X
Chem Engineer Science Chem Heterocycle Cpds
Chemical Communications Chemical Geology
Chemical Physics Letters X Chemical Physics Letters
Chemical Physics Chemical Record
Chemical Res Toxicology Chemical Reviews
Chemical Science Chemical Senses
Chemical Society Reviews Chemico-Biological Int
Chemie der Erde Chemie Ingenieur Technik
Chemistry Biodiversity Chemistry Biology
Chemistry Ecology Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP)
Chemistry Letters Chemistry of Life
Chemistry of Materials Chemistry Physics of Lipids
Chemistry ChemMedChem
Chemoecology Chemometrics Intelligent Lab Sys
Chemosphere Chemother Res Pract
Chemotherapy ChemPhysChem

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