Nature Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The journal covers research into the design, characterization and production of structures, devices and systems that involve the manipulation and control of materials and phenomena at atomic, molecular and macromolecular scales. Both bottom-up and top-down approaches — and combinations of the two — are covered.
Nature Nanotechnology also encourages the exchange of ideas between chemists, physicists, material scientists, biomedical researchers, engineers and other researchers who are active at the frontiers of this diverse and multidisciplinary field. Coverage extends from basic research in physics, chemistry and biology, including computational work and simulations, through to the development of new devices and technologies for applications in a wide range of industrial sectors (including information technology, medicine, manufacturing, high-performance materials, and energy and environmental technologies). Organic, inorganic and hybrid materials are all covered.
Research areas covered in the journal:
-Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes
-Computational nanotechnology
-Electronic properties and devices
-Environmental, health and safety issues
-Molecular machines and motors
-Molecular self-assembly
-Nanomagnetism and spintronics
-Nanometrology and instrumentation
-Nanosensors and other devices
-Organic–inorganic nanostructures
-Photonic structures and devices
-Quantum information
-Structural properties
-Surface patterning and imaging
-Synthesis and processing
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