Paediatric Respiratory Reviews offers authors the opportunity to submit their own editorials, educational reviews and short communications on topics relevant to paediatric respiratory medicine. These peer reviewed contributions will complement the commissioned reviews which will continue to form an integral part of the journal.
Subjects covered include:
• Epidemiology
• Immunology and cell biology
• Physiology
• Occupational disorders
• The role of allergens and pollutants
A particular emphasis is given to the recommendation of 'best practice' for primary care physicians and paediatricians.
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews is aimed at general paediatricians but it should also be read by specialist paediatric physicians and nurses, respiratory physicians and general practitioners.
It is a journal for those who are busy and do not have time to read systematically through literature, but who need to stay up to date in the field of paediatric respiratory and sleep medicine.
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